Cost estimate

You can quickly and easily estimate the cost of your business event in Davos here.

In just a few steps, our Quick Calculator will take you through the planning of your business event.

Select the type of event

Of course, you can also combine the various types of events later. For example, a seminar followed by a cocktail reception.

Your selection
  1. 1
    Type of event
  2. 2
    Number of people
  3. 3
  4. 4

Number of people

You can host events for up to 5,000 people with us. We have 34 rooms, with capacities per room of up to 1,800 people.

How many people do you expect will attend your event?

Your selection
  1. 1
    Type of event
  2. 2
    Number of people
  3. 3
  4. 4

Duration days

Please enter the number of days and half-days that your event will cover.

Guide price

Your selection
  1. 1
    Type of event
  2. 2
    Number of people
  3. 3
  4. 4


«Those who work well should also eat well.»
Enter below what we can provide for you and your guests.

Guide price


Our suggestion for you:

We would be happy to help you create an outstanding event that is sure to be unforgettable and can help you to continue your planning.

Wir helfen Ihnen gerne dabei, einen herausragenden Anlass zu schaffen der garantiert unvergesslich bliebt und begleiten Sie gerne bei der weiteren Planung.

We look forward to hearing from you about your event.

Your selection
  • Type of event  
  • Duration  
  • Number of people  
  • Catering  
Guide price

In our Digital Congress Organiser, your previous details will be automatically entered, and you can create a detailed plan of every aspect of your event.

Interested but have no time to finish planning?

Then send us your selection. One of our event managers would be happy to get in touch with you.

Thank you

Thank you for your inquiry.
We will respond as quickly as possible.

Kind regards

Davos Congress
Talstrasse 41
7270 Davos Platz